Understanding Metal Strength: Key Factors and Testing Methods for Cold Rolled Steel
When it comes to creating durable and safe products, understanding the strength of the metals used is critical. In industries where precision and longevity are key, choosing the right material can be the difference between success and failure. At BUILT Systems, we know that delivering reliable manufacturing solutions starts with using the best materials. That’s […]

History of Manufacturing
By definition, manufacturing is the transformation of raw materials into useful products. While this has been around since stone times, we’ve watched the process, as well as the efficiencies and capabilities associated, grow and change. The First Notable Shifts Manufacturing as we know it today began with the Industrial Revolution, when machines became a key […]
BUILT Sustainability
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the manufacturing industry contributes to more than 20% of greenhouse emissions. With this information, it is crucial that steps continue to be taken to lower manufacturing’s carbon footprint. BUILT Systems is taking serious steps to improve our own sustainability efforts, as well as create long-lasting products that contribute […]
Ergonomic Risks of Manufacturing – And How to Combat Them
As manufacturing continues to grow and gain employees, it’s vital that intentional factory spaces are designed to impact efficiencies, productivity, and the health of workers. It is through investing in the business and the people that allow companies to continue to thrive for years to come. Ergonomic Risks Unfortunately, with manufacturing comes a variety of […]
The Importance of Manufacturing
BUILT products can be tailored to a variety of industries, with one of those including manufacturing. From workstations to material handling to custom projects, solutions from BUILT are designed to make a manufacturing space modular and LEAN. With the amount of investing taking place in manufacturing, you may be wondering why the industry is so […]
Why You Should Invest in New Manufacturing Equipment
Things get old. Things become worn. Things eventually are just out of date. Whether we enjoy this part of life or not, it’s just a fact. In our personal lives, we replace big items (furniture, cars, electronics, carpets) and smaller items (shoes, pots and pans, toothbrushes) frequently over time. With a business, the same is […]
Why Does American-Made Matter?
Frequenting conversations, new articles, political campaigns, and talk in your local communities, is the push for purchasing American-made product. But, you may be asking why does it really matter that much? With so many manufacturers off-shore, it is tempting to look elsewhere, but as someone living in the United States, “American-made” is actually a big […]
Choosing the right workbench for your application
Your business has decided that industrial tables are needed for your warehouses or manufacturing facilities, but truly, that’s only the first step. Choosing which manufacturer to purchase from and which workbench best meets your needs is one of the most important choices you’ll make. Consistent Workbench Needs No matter which industry your company falls into, […]
The How-to of Valuing Your Employees
BUILT for People. We recognize that it is each and every employee in your company who makes your ideas and solutions come to life. The people on the line and behind the scenes are vital to the success of your business. Because of this, there’s great value in how you care for your employees and […]
Factors to Improve Manufacturing Employee Retainment
As you know and are probably experiencing for yourself, many companies, including manufacturing companies, are having a difficult time hiring employees. So, once you get someone onboard, it’s important to have the most inclusive and welcoming environment as possible to encourage retainment and hires to stay long-term. 1. Positive Work Culture One of the most […]